With first archery, early muzzleloaders and first shotgun seasons over the deer hunting is coming to a close. There are a couple more days of second shotgun season before the late archery and late muzzleloaders seasons open up for the last 23 days of the season. Let me sum up what has happened for us so far this year. Then I will end with my thoughts for the last and coldest season of the year. Archery was pretty slow to get started. Deer were not moving and the deer that were moving were not big. Numbers definitely seem to be down in the areas we hunt. Whether from the excessive doe harvests or from the extremely rough winter we had last year. Either way numbers are down. Once Nov. hit temps finally started to drop and like always the rut got hot and everyone was still unprepared. Dad was on the money with almost every outing. He found deer and deer found him. However, for whatever reason, he was not one with the target. He was able to harvest a small doe with the bow but it only went down hill from there. Granted he got some fantastic footage this year, but none is of a kill shot. Me on the other hand, I could not find the deer, until the weekend before Thanksgiving, but even then I was still hundreds of yards away. I managed to film some good bucks that weekend with one of them being a giant with an 11″ drop tine. I know it was an 11″ drop tine because that buck is now at the taxidermist. Unfortunately, that buck had broken its left main beam just have the G2 but depending on what was there prior to the break the buck may have gone 200″. Oh well. Shotgun season went pretty well surprisingly. We ended up with 4 deer out of 7 tags. Those 4 deer were 3 small bucks and the 4th was about a 100″ 8-point. So considering the rain all day saturday and then the cold Sunday we did very well. My college buddy and a friend were hunting a monster this year and opening day of first shotgun the friend of my friend shot him with his shotgun. It was a giant 230″ buck! Second season was good to my college buddy as he shot a really nice buck was well. They must have something good going out there! So that is the quick wrap up. With just a few more days before I can hit the woods I am filled with anticipation and excitement. I will get to do a little hunting in Eastern Iowa over the Xmas break and then will have a few days back around Central Iowa before the hunting season will come to a completely close for us. My thoughts on how I’m going to be successful are as follows… COLD! I need the temps to drop big time and the snow to fly. Otherwise, the deer will not yard the way they normally do and I’ll be stuck looking at bare crop fields. So cross your fingers and we’ll see how the year wraps up!
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Well another season has offically come and gone. The rifle season is still open for the Southern two tiers of counties but its not something that we participate in. Looking back now it was definately a tough season. I’m very thankful that the buck I harvested decided to make an apearance when he did and I am very thankful that I spent the range time that I did this year to make that shot even a possibility! With that deer it definately puts a positive spin on the year for me. He’ll end up on the Wall with my new Longest Shot Trophy and it will be admired for years to come. Dad had a great late season as well. He was able to harvest a doe in the year 2012 and that makes 50 consecutive years of harvesting at least one deer! Those are some pretty big shoes to fill for me and I doubt I will ever be able to reach that milestone, however, I am at 17 years consecutive myself so I’m trying! hahaha. With all the hunting done I have some projects around the house to get done and then it will be time to start the video. I think we’ll have a pretty decent video. I have updated the program and with my new computer and with that editing has been a breeze. But before I can start I have to get all of dad’s video transfered to my machine which I am sure will be this coming weekend while dad and I work on my projects and also work on redoing Dad’s basement and making it a Man Cave again! So I’m sure it will be awhile before too many updates hit the website but maybe we’ll sneak out for some ice fishing soon.